The Koch Brothers Believe In Climate Change Because The Market Accepts It

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


Apparently, the Koch Brothers believe in climate change when the market accepts it. To explain,’s Hit & Run blog ran an article accepting climate change’s validity on 5 March 2019.

The blog post’s headline states “The Market Says Climate Change Is Happening.” Moreover, a subhead states: “When money is on the line, it is hard to find parties willing to bet against the scientific consensus on climate change.”

Notably, the Reason Foundation finances and Reason Magazine, SourceWatch claims. Specifically, the Koch Family Foundations partially finance the Reason Foundation. In addition, David Koch serves as a trustee at the Reason Foundation.

Hence, a Koch-funded entity is publicly admitting climate change is real. The blog entry marks an about-face because the Koch brothers have been funding climate change denial for many years, The New Yorker claims.

Why the Koch Brothers believe in climate change

The Koch Brothers now believe in climate change because their ideology tells them to.

To explain, the Koch Brothers are free-market fundamentalists. Thus, they believe the market is the most efficient and accurate means of testing information and…



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.